“From Rock Bottom to Redemption: Mike’s Miraculous Recovery Journey” is a powerful episode that chronicles the inspiring story of Mike Cinelli, a charismatic entrepreneur from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Mike’s life was marked by early trauma and loss, leading him down a perilous path of addiction that included marijuana, cocaine, crack, and heroin. Despite numerous stints in rehab and run-ins with the law, Mike found himself trapped in a cycle of substance abuse and despair.

Everything changed in a single moment of surrender. Alone in a hotel bathroom, with heroin in his hand, Mike cried out to God and experienced a divine intervention. The next morning, he woke up without the expected withdrawal symptoms, igniting a profound faith that would guide his recovery journey.

Mike’s story is one of relentless perseverance, deep faith, and the transformative power of community. Through intensive Christ-centered therapy, supportive faith communities, and a commitment to personal growth, Mike overcame his addiction and rebuilt his life. Today, he is a successful entrepreneur, a devoted husband, and a passionate advocate for recovery.

Tune in to hear Mike’s candid reflections on addiction, faith, and healing, and discover how his journey from the depths of despair to a life of purpose can inspire and guide others on their own paths to redemption. Click here to connect with Mike and read his book called Reinvented. 

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