jodie stevens


Recovery and Mental Health

with a Biblical Worldview

God’s amazing grace has brought me to the other side of many difficulties. I would be honored to share at your next event or women’s retreat.

speaking topics

If you do not see your topic here, I would be happy to customize a message for your event!

Removing Shame and the Need for Approval

Removing shame and the continuous need for approval is something only our Heavenly Father can do. Often, the way He does it is mysterious. However, it is essential so we can live from the true center of ourselves, hear His voice, and live out His calling for our lives.

Finding your God-Given Identity

The Bible is an amazing story of God’s intimate relationship with humanity. Every Book point toward God’s continual redemption of His people. From Genesis all the way through Revelation we see God’s plan at work to restore us to Himself. This teaching will explain how our identity comes from our Creator and how His devotion to us will bring us into right relationship with Him.

Overcoming Addictions and Life Controlling Habits

Addictions are a form of extreme bondage. They can keep us trapped in destructive repetitive behaviors that sabotage God’s design for our life. Often, these destructive habits are born out of emotional pain and they are an attempt to fix what is wrong. Eighteen years ago, I was set free from an addiction to drugs and alcohol. I’m passionate about sharing how it happened and how others can be set free from their addictions.

Co-dependency – What it really means and how to overcome it

After I got sober, it took another ten years before I understood what was at the root of my addictions. It was a lot of difficult emotions and codependent patterns of relating to myself and others. I desire to help others break free and I would love to share what I have learned on my journey to healing from co-dependency.

Emotions – How to Manage them so they do not Control our Lives

Difficult emotions that feel all-consuming are one of the main reasons people turn to substances and other life controlling habits to self sooth. While our emotions are extremely important in relaying information, we need strategies to label the specific emotions we are feeling; understand what they are trying to communicate; determine their usefulness to a particular situation; and develop healthy ways of managing them.

Addiction and Family Dynamics

You may have heard it said that addiction is a family disease. This is true most of the time. The ways in which individuals relate to one another in the addicted family system can perpetuate they cycle of addiction and codependency. Understanding these dynamics and working to break these patterns is crucial in the recovery process.

Causes of Addiction and Treatments

There are several things that cause individuals to be more susceptible to developing addictions. There are also effective ways of successfully treating people struggling with addictions.

Hearing God:

Hearing from God is just as relevant today as it was in Biblical times.
Learn some easy and practical ways to hear from God in your everyday life.

Our voice is God-Given. It exudes from the very breath of God who breathed us into being ... may we us it wisely.

~ Jodie Stevens

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Conferences, Women’s Retreats, Private Events, and More.

Jodie Stevens
Radio Host | Speaker | Recovery Coach

BA-Journalism/Broadcasting | MA Christian Leadership | MS Addiction Counseling

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Jodie Stevens
Radio Host | Speaker | Recovery Coach



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